Recruiting a new recruitment manager

If you have a large staff or a staff with a high rate of turnover one of the most important roles to get right is the recruitment manager. If your recruitment manager leaves the organisation it is very important to get a replacement that is both organised and efficient, as well as having a great feel for the company culture. Here are some of the options.

Promote internally

A relatively easy option can be to promote an existing staff member such as a human resources assistant into the role. An internal candidate should be available relatively quickly and can often be an efficient option as they already have relevant access to work systems and know how to use any specialist software that your company used. They will also have a good grasp on the company culture which can help for hiring. However it is important if you promote internally that you also backfill the role of the person that you have promoted, or they made find themselves doing two roles at the same time and not doing either that well! A recruitment agency can often help you out with a temporary administrator to help fill any gaps. 

Hire externally

While hiring externally can be time consuming, specialist recruitment agencies can often have a good database of available recruitment managers and can use this to speed up your process. They are also aware of people who may be looing for new roles, although not formally, and can fast track great candidates through the recruitment to fit them into your vacant hiring manager role. 

Outsource hiring tasks 

If you are finding it challenging to find the right person for the role or find a great candidate that needs a few months to be released from a previous role it can be a fantastic idea to get the hiring done externally in the short terms. You can get a lot of the time intensive steps such as placing adds, vetting resumes, scheduling interviews and performing reference checks done by an external company. They can also use their existing databases to identify candidates and help to streamline hiring using best industry practises. 

If you are a business owner who has just lost a great recruitment manager it's important to fill the role quickly with a high quality candidate. A recruitment agency can be a perfect resource to help you filing staff roles in the short and long term. 
